Bloomsbury Bridge Collapse
On June 9,1988, just after 10 AM, 20-year-old Ms. Pamela Poe was driving her new 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity car on Bloomsbury Avenue, when suddenly the underlying bridge collapsed and her car fell through the resultant hole in the road. Ms. Poe was almost “Nevermore”! Fortunately the car did not drop down the entire 30 ft bridge ravine, as the back wheels of the car caught on the pavement. She was able to undo her seat belt and remove herself from the car with the help of construction workers working at the site. She sustained a concussion and her back was sore, however she was not more seriously injured.
The background: The Catonsville Short Line (CSL) railroad was constructed in 1884 and ceased operation in 1972. There was a bridge/tunnel that allowed the railroad to travel under Bloomsbury Ave to the remaining sections of the railroad line. However, the1884 bridge was not very wide and barely had enough room for two lanes of traffic. In the 1960s the County added a footbridge to the east side of the bridge to allow for pedestrians to cross the bridge area. By the 1980's the bridge had become unstable and there posted restrictions preventing heavy trucks and fire engines from using the bridge. The bridge was ultimately scheduled for demolition in 1988, and the bridge ravine was to be filled in and replaced with a asphalt road surface. Unfortunately, on The DAY BEFORE the bridge was scheduled for demolition, contract workers working on the sewer lines below the bridge accidentally caused the bridge to collapse. Construction workers on the site tried to stop Ms. Poe from proceeding, however before she could stop, she fell into the large hole in the road. Imagine driving your new car heading for an appointment and suddenly finding yourself face down in a bridge ravine. As stated, fortunately she was not seriously injured other than a concussion and the fright of her life. Subsequently the bridge was torn down, the bridge ravine was filled in, and a widened road was installed.